Writing starts with you. I help you share it with the world!
You are the writer and we all need another pair of eyes
Tell and show your story or work in the best ways possible.
With four decades of professional English writing and editing skills, I can guide your story to its best possible fruition. I’ll use my knowledge of formatting, editing, polishing, proofing, and publishing with you alone, so you can share your story with family, friends, and story lovers the world round.
Jump in. Don’t be afraid. Follow the #1 piece of advice given to those who want to publish for public consumption:
Hire an experienced book/ebook editor and publisher working for YOU.
I have helped hundreds of writers and poets edit, polish, or publish their work for online and/or physical marketplaces. Fiction, nonfiction, novels, memoirs, anthologies, and short stories. ABLiA Media offers competitive and affordable rates for whatever skill level, genre, or style of writing most comfortable for you. Receive polished, timely assistance and suggestions to make YOUR story or poems shine like stars. Experienced front and back cover improvements are available as well.
You always retain 100% control and ownership of your work.
If not satisfied for any reason, cancel at any time. Only pay for work performed. No strings. Only quality work.
FREE OFFER: Receive a sample of my work or complete a trial run using up to three pages you send me.
See our Services & Pricing page for details.