Jump in. You are the difference. Your story, your views, your ideas, and your personality need expression. The people of the world are waiting to be changed. Your spirit and words will change them.

Write. Write what you know. Write what you imagine. Write prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, any genre at all. Write honestly, openly. Don’t worry about getting fancy or literary. That will come later if you want it. The important thing is to express your passion in words and feelings so everyone reads, feels, tastes, and sees them. No one’s life is wasted.

We learn from each other.

Share and don’t be afraid.

Every day gets easier to self-publish at little cost except for key things like an editor, an ISBN number, a platform, and passion. Don’t wait up to two years for a traditional publisher to get your finished manuscript into bookstores and online.

Jump in. You’ll soon have a polished book or stories you’ll be proud of.

 Contact us: 1950ablia@gmail.com 609-964-6955

submit your work

It’s a great feeling being published, and there are thousands of places to submit poems and stories for consideration for online or print publication. A place to check is AuthorsPublish.com. Then join Submittable.com, a free platform for submitting your polished work to the world and keeping track.



There are hundreds of resources for writers and poets. Blogs, companies, conferences, book fairs, websites, articles, tips, courses, seminars, webinars, podcasts and more, free or paid. One highly respected resource we use is Murphy Writing of Stockton University whose programs and teachers are consistently top notch.